Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Hello readers and this week's list of new arrivals has yielded a bumper crop of books for fans of animation art and also, for fans of fantasy.

We start with a book that's been decades in the making and for no discernible reason over two years in the planning and production,

HC 152pp Black + White
Disney Editions
What ever the results there isn't any denying the talent of the artists employed by Disney down the years.
This book charts and showcases that talent, with a selection of rare images from the archives of the development of characters and spanning the history of the studio from Steamboat Mickey right up to Tangled.
To be honest given the wait I was expecting more from this book and can't understand the delay, other than the editor was perhaps racked with indecision about which pieces to use, the obvious solution being to publish a book with more pages, even if you have just blown a few million on the poorly marketed, curates egg of a film which is John Carter!
Anyway that's a small gripe given the book boasts beautiful production values and some wonderful images. 

We stay with animation by checking in at,

HC 160pp Color, Black + White
Titan Books
Perhaps on account of the need to translate and dub songs on top of the script the French will have to wait until February 2013 to see this animated feature from Sony.
Meanwhile one can enjoy this book crammed with wonderful art covering the whole process of developing and delivering an animated film from an immensely talented team of artists.
Hotel Transylvania is a haven for monsters, in what might not be a very funny film but is certain to look fantastic.

The holidays will be upon us sooner than parents think and to get us in the mood is,

HC 158pp Color, Black + WHite
Insight Editions
The Guardians of childhood - a bunch of characters representative of certain holidays who need to keep one eye over their shoulder for Tim Burton's Jack Skeleton - need to recruit the elusive Jack Frost to foil the dastardly plans of Pitch.
This is the premise behind Dreamwork's latest animated feature, however it plays the film is going to look gorgeous and you can get your fill of the eye candy produced by the artistic team in this sumptuous book from the reliable Insight Editions.

Ok fantasy of an all together different sort now, so put the kids to bed as we whisk off to Westeros,

HC 198pp Color, Black + WHite
Chronicle Books
Everyone associated with this amazing show is deserving of the utmost praise and in this book some of the previously unsung heroes of the production team are finally given their due respect and recognition.
This book provides one with the inside track on the inspired people behind the  fabulous look of the show, from designers of sets, costumes and accessories such as armour and weapons, to story boarders and matte painters.
The more obvious talent is also here as the script writers and actors also tell their behind the scenes stories.
So, a book certain to enthrall the many fans of George RR Martin's epic fantasy and it's brilliant TV incarnation.

And we continue to mix the fantasy with a hot blast of,

HC 256pp Color
Barron's Educational Series
Steampunk originated as a pop culture movement inspired by proto science fiction from authors such as Verne and Wells to become a life style choice to rival the Goth movement, indeed you'll often encounter bewhiskered Steampunks arguing with unconvinced Goths that Tweed or Beige Corduroy is the new black PVC!
This book charts the rise and current status of the movement and features over 700 images, many unique to this tome, of costumes, gadgets and what have you for those out of step with the times and happy to be so.

To a different sort of despair for our times, as we survey,

Box counting 14 different items numbering 260pp Color in total
Mister easy option for his publishers and their printers is back with a new opus in his flat, detailed, retro style and as usual it's sadder than a Smith's song.
The 14 graphic works in the handsome box, tell a tale - in no particular order - of a young women on her way to probably a marriage and a mortgage, beset with the doubt, disappointment, loathing and dread that plague most of Chris's under confident characters.
As usual his art work is intricate and gorgeous, the story sensitive and caring.

Let's brighten the mood with some fun and games, well animie and games to be precise,

SC 208pp Color
A cavalcade of your favorite colorful characters from your favorite games and animies by your favorite Japanese artists, are featured in this a book sure to be a favorite with fans of video game and animie art from Japan!

From the land of the rising sun to the lands of the midnight sun as we head over to Scandinavia for our next release,

SC 128pp Color
Boom Studios
This facsimale of a mole skin is filled with the imaginative doodles and sketches of Mattias Andolfsson, a Swedish artist who works in fields as diverse as childrens books and video games, lots of good, inspirational imagery here.

Finally back home and we encounter the first wave of books in an ambitious publishing project by Editions Ankama,

HC 110pp Color
In the grim post war period writers of speculative fiction, or science fiction if you prefer, depressingly imagined apocalyptic or dystopian futures, where there would be either too few or too many of us, both envisaged social collapse, though few imagined the simple selfishness of human instincts priming the bait and laying the trap, many though it would be "the bomb" and not the banks and corporations, which would toll the bell for the end of life as we'd known it.
Anyway Stefan Wul is revered as one of the greatest French science fiction writers because of the 12 books he published in his life time, 11 between the years 1956 and 1959, lord alone knows how he found time to pull teeth as dentist Pierre Pairault?
Ankama are adapting his best known works into graphic novels and using top creators in the process.
The first two to be released are Niourk by artist Olivet Vatine, which features a young boy's efforts to survive in a post apocalyptic New York and primitive tribes people hunting and being hunted by weird mutant monsters, and Oms En Série by writer Jean-David Morvan and Mike Hawthorn, in which the remnants of mankind are an insignificant life form struggling to survive in a world ruled by enormous others.
Wul's predictions for the future are pretty wide of the mark but they make for wonderful entertainment  and so this series of graphic novels is sure to find an appreciative audience given the calibre of the artists adapting the source material and their evident affection for it. 
Let's finish with an example of Mike Hawthorn's great art from, Oms En Série.

Finally, this week will also see the release of the books we previewed at our book launch here last Wednesday, so as of tomorrow we'll be happy to sell you, Bobby Chiu and Kei Acedera's Pieces of Wonderland, Felix Meynet's From Paris With Love, Menton3's artbook and Joe Cassey and our pal Mike Huddelston's rip roaring Butcher Baker!

Bonjour chers lecteurs, l'arrivage de cet semaine est riche de artbooks d'animation et de fantaisy...

HC 152pp Noir et Blanc
Disney Editions
Malgré la qualité moyenne de conception de cet artbook, on ne peut nier le talent des artistes employer par les studios Disney.
Vous pourrez admirez dans cet ouvrages de rares et jamais publiés images d'archives des studios Disney du premier film avec Mickey jusqu'à plus recemment Raiponce.
Pour être sincere, au vu de l'attente j'esperais plus de ce livre et je ne comprends pas le delai, l'editeur a surement du mettre du temps à choisir quelles images mettre et ne pas mettre, pour moi la meilleure solution aurait été de rajouter plus de pages!
Mais tout cela n'enlève rien au fait que les dessins sont sublimes et veritablement rares.

HC 160pp Couleur, Noir et Blanc
Titan Books
Decouvrez dans ce livre le merveilleux travail effectué pour ce film, tout le procedé de devellopement d'une equipe d'artistes immensement talentueuse.
L'Hotel Transyvania est rempli de monstres, le film n'est peut etre pas tres drole mais il sera certainement fantastique.

HC 158pp Couleur, Noir et Blanc
Insight Editions
Les differents guardiens des fetes de notre enfance ont besoin de l'aide de Jack Frost pour les aider à dejouer les mauvais plans de Pitch.
Voici donc l'histoire du nouveau film des studios Dreamwork, ce qui signifie que le film sera probablement magnifique et vous pouvez avoir un avant goût avec cet artbook.

HC 198pp Couleur, Noir et Blanc
Chronicle Books
Toute personne associée à cet incroyable serie merite des louanges et dans ce livre des personnes precedemment inconnues de la production sont enfin reconnues.
Cet ouvrage nous fait decouvrir les coulisses de la serie, le travail des decorateurs, costumiers et designers à travers leurs storyboards et illustrations.
Il y a egalement de nombreuses anecdotes de la part des scenaristes et acteurs.
Donc voilà un livre indispensable pour les fans de l'incroyable serie de George RR Martin.

HC 256pp Couleur
Barron's Educational Series
Le Steampunk est une culture qui s'est inspirée de la science fiction d'auteurs comme Jules Vernes et H. G. Wells pour devenir un art de vivre rivalisant avec le mouvement Goth, vous rencontrez d'ailleurs souvent des fans de Steampunks parlant à des Goths indecis du velour beige et des tweeds comme etant les nouveaux habits originaux!
Cet ouvrage est une encyclopedie de ce jeune mouvement avec plus de 700 images, la plupart jamais publiées, on y voit des costumes , gadgets et illustrations.

Boite contenant 14 livres 260pp Couleur
L'auteur le plus difficile pour les editeurs et leurs imprimeurs est de retour avec un nouvel ouvrage et comme d'habitude il est plus triste qu'une chanson des Smith.
L'ouvrage est en fait une magnifique boite, avec pas moins de 14 differents livres qui raconte l'histoire – dans aucun ordre particulier – d'une jeune femme en route pour un mariage et un emprunt, elle est emplie de doutes, deçue et triste, ce qui semble toucher la plupart des personnages de Chris.
Comme d'habitude magnifiquement illustrée et ecrit.

SC 208pp Couleur
Un ouvrage rempli de la plupart de vos personnages de jeux videos et d'animés preferés, le tout par les meilleurs artistes Japonais.

SC 128pp Couleur
Boom Studios
Ce facsimile d'un moleskine est rempli de croquis imaginatifs par Mattias Andolfsson, un artiste Suedois qui travaille aussi bien pour les jeux videos que pour l'edition jeunesse, pleins d'images riches d'inspiration.

HC 110pp Couleur
Pendant la guerre froide, les auteurs de romans d'anticipation, ou science fiction si vous preferait, imaginé un futur apocalyptique deprimant, un futur où l'on serait soit trop nombreux, soit trop peu.
Avec bien sur une societé qui aurait radicallement changée, le tout causé par des bombes atomiques et non pas par la cupidité des banques et de multinationales, ce qui paraît plus probable aujourd'hui!
Stefan Wul est reveré comme l'un des plus grands auteur de science fiction français grace au 12 ouvrages qu'il a publié, 11 entre les années 1956 et 1959, le tout en continuant sa profession de dentiste.
Ankama adapte donc ses meilleurs travaux en bande dessinée, utilisant les meilleurs createurs d'aujourd'hui.
Les deux premieres series sont Niourk par Olivier Vatine, où l'on suit les efforts d'un jeune garçon essayantt de survivre dans un New York post apolyptique où des tribus primitives le traquent tout en etant traquées elles mêmes par des monstres mutants.
La seconde serie est ecrite par Jean david morvan et dessinée par Mike Hawthorne, on y suit une humanité devenue insignifiante et essayant de survivre dans un monde dirigé par des forme de vie géante.
Les predictions de Wul sont assez loin de la verité mais le resultat est quand même tres divertissant.

Pour finir sachez que cette semaine seront mis en vente les artbooks de Bobby Chiu et Kei Acedera's Pieces of Wonderland, Felix Meynet's From Paris With Love, etMenton3'.

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